Author Interview: Kerat Jhaj

Today, I am interviewing author, singer, and songwriter, Kerat Jhaj. Kerat has been singing and writing songs for much of her life and more recently decided to dabble in fiction. Her debut novel, Himagus, is out today, so be sure to purchase your copy.


I was so young when I started singing and whenever I’d look up for any of my idols, they’d be both, singers and songwriters. So I just assumed to become a singer one has to write their own songs. I was a toddler and my songs were embarrassing but that was a start.

And for fiction, I always came up with stories but never wrote them till, in my English class, our teacher made us write in our journal daily that I decided to let my imagination bleed on paper.

What does your songwriting process look like? Do you write lyrics or melodies first?

Usually, something hits me; an idea, thought or maybe my own emotions and what I’m going through and I write my lyrics and do a lot of demo versions to get the melody and then I harmonize my voice with the company of a piano.

Have you recorded any of your songs?

No, not yet. At the moment I rather finish school before putting out any music.

Where did the title Himagus come from?

To pick a title “Himagus” was a scary choice. Since it can make people think the book might be in a different language or an unknown word may fail to catch there interest. But I couldn’t imagine naming it anything else! “Himagus” is the name of the planet whose civilization took over Earth. A big deal of the book is about Himagus and Himagusians and it also deeply affects the protagonist.

What was the inspiration behind Himagus?

I had gotten a prompt “the end of the world” and wrote a short story along those lines. 

(Basically a girl wakes up to find everyone dead. And as she assumes the monster is about to kill her too, she opens her eyes, only to find a message stating he won’t kill her).

And something Inside me wanted to continue the story. I wasn’t sure how to continue writing it, since, the whole world had already ended. But two weeks later, an idea struck me and here we are.

What do you like to read?

Mostly fiction. I try to avoid romance and love reading humor and horror.

Do you prefer vague or concrete endings?

If it’s series, then there has to be something the reader should still be hanging on to, a missing piece so for that I like vague ending. But stand alones, I prefer with concrete endings.

If you could save two songs before music was erased, which two would you save?

Twist and Shout by beetles and Funny by Tori Kelly.

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan on continuing my studies to become a radiation therapists, write more books and make better quality YouTube content.

How do you balance your time between writing, songwriting, and music?

I don’t ever really have to choose. If an inspiration comes to me I’ll write a song and If I’m working on a manuscript I’ll dedicate at least half an hour to work on it.

For more information on Kerat’s work, check out her social media at the links below and don’t forget to support her by purchasing her works.

Pre-Order Himagus: Amazon
Kerat’s Instagram:
Kerat’s Twitter:
Kerat’s YouTube:

If you are an author, or have an interesting story, please reach out to me so we can connect!